


How a Student Become an Entrepreneur? An Institutional Micro-level Process Analysis




蔡依倫(I-Lun Tsai);謝如梅(Ru-Mei Hsieh)


制度的微觀基礎 ; 社會互動 ; 創業育成 ; 創業家 ; 競賽邏輯與市場邏輯 ; microfoundations of institutions ; social interaction ; entrepreneurship and incubation ; entrepreneurs ; logics of contest vs. logics of market




15卷1期(2022 / 02 / 01)


1 - 45






Despite the central role of institutional contexts in the entrepreneurial process, extant researches pay little attention to the interactions between entrepreneurs and institutions. To fill the research gap, the study explored how a student becomes an entrepreneur by examining social interactions between student entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship education at the micro level. We conducted qualitative research on a case of student entrepreneurship by tracing the process of a start-up that is embedded in multiple institutional logics (2013-2018). The research results reveal four forms of social interactions: "commanding-conforming," "bridging-exploiting," "demanding-verifying," "competing-learning". Furthermore, in contrast to the macro-institutional discourse in which that students took entrepreneurial identity for granted due to homogeneity, the study depicts that students identify themselves as entrepreneurs by releasing interaction orders. Drawing on an institutional perspective at the micro-level process, the study fills the gap between macro- and micro-entrepreneurship researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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