
Co-production, Absorptive Capacity, Groupthink, and Alliance Outcomes Through Service-dominant Logic: Does Partner Similarity Matter?






Li-Wei Wu(吳立偉);Chia-Jung Lee(李佳蓉)


absorptive capacity ; co-production ; groupthink ; partner similarity ; service-dominant logic ; 吸收能力 ; 共同生產 ; 群體迷思 ; 聯盟夥伴相似性 ; 服務主導邏輯




16卷1期(2023 / 02 / 01)


75 - 122




This study attempts to shed light on the relationship between partner similarity and alliance outcomes through use of service-dominant logic. As interest in alliance performance has grown in recent years, this study extends existing literature by highlighting the alliance performance implications of co-production, absorptive capacity, and groupthink under partner similarity considerations, while also emphasizing the positive and negative determinants of alliance outcomes. We argue that absorptive capacity and groupthink both act as mediators of the relationship between partner similarity and alliance outcomes, and serve as quasi-moderators between co-production and alliance outcomes. We found general empirical support for the following hypotheses: First, alliance outcomes can be promoted through co-production; second, partner similarity simultaneously affects co-production, absorptive capacity, and groupthink; third, absorptive capacity positively affects alliance outcomes and significantly increases the influence of co-production on alliance outcomes. In contrast, groupthink negatively affects alliance outcomes and significantly reduces the influence of co-production on alliance outcomes.



主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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