


A Study of the Relationship for Perception of Organizational Change, Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intention in Financial Institutions




劉莉玲(Li-Ling Liu)


組織變革 ; 不確定感 ; 工作滿意 ; 離職傾向 ; Organizational Change ; Psychological Uncertainty ; Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention




2卷1期(2009 / 01 / 01)


57 - 81




近年來金融機構隨著經濟的快速發展和國際競爭的日益激烈,因此,金融機構必須定期改變結構以適應競爭的環境和追求高獲利策略。本研究係探討金融機構員工在組織變革下所產生的不確定感與工作滿意度及離職傾向之間的關係,研究結果如下: 一、變革的頻率對不確定感呈正向影響。 二、變革的影響對不確定感呈正向影響。 三、變革的計劃性對不確定感呈負向影響。 四、不確定感對工作滿意度呈負向影響。 五、不確定感對離職傾向呈正向影響。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究對金融機構的建議為:金融機構管理者在變革執行前擬定計劃,並確實宣導與執行計劃性變革,藉以降低變革帶來的負面影響。變革過程中,若員工的反應是具有正面,則加給予鼓勵,期望他們可以激發其他同儕的組工作滿意及降低其離職傾向。


In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, financial institutions have had to change their structures regularly in order to remain profitable in the face of international competition. This paper discusses our study on the characteristics of organizational change, specifically which characteristics influence an individual’s appraisal of the uncertainty associated with change and ultimately how change affects the job satisfaction and turnover intentions of an organization's employees. As a result, the findings are as follows: 1. The perception that change is very frequent displays a significant, unique positive relationship with psychological uncertainty. 2. The perception that change has resulted in significant modification to core aspects of an organization displays a significant, unique positive relationship with psychological uncertainty. 3. The perception that change has been implemented after deliberation and planning displays a significant, unique negative relationship with psychological uncertainty. 4. Psychological uncertainty is negatively related to job satisfaction. 5. Psychological uncertainty is positively related to turnover intentions. Results suggest that before an organizational change occurs, careful planning for the change process can reduce the negative influence which the change brings. Also during the change process, if individuals respond positively to the change, then leader should encourage them with the expectation that they may enhance job satisfaction and decrease the turnover intentions of other associates.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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