This paper investigates the fund management teams, which include the fund industries and fund managers, how influence their funds performance. Most of Taiwan open-end, domestic, equity fund are actively managed funds. The purpose of those funds is to generate the performance which is superior to the market. We use the return of TAIEX as the benchmark and apply logistic regression to analysis the data from those funds. The results show that the turnover, the workload of fund manager, the market share of fund industry, the age of fund industry, and the fund manager's education background can influence the fund performance significantly. The fund performance is negatively related to the turnover, the fund manager's workload, and the fund industry's age. However, if the fund is managed by a fund industry with higher market share, or by a manager graduated from domestic national university or overseas university, the investor can expect the fund performance with higher odds on beating the market. The investor can also use the result of this paper as a selection rule to select the candidate mutual funds.
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