The tourism industry is regarded as the star industry in the 21st century. In addition, the income from foreign tourists has been one of the main sources of foreign exchange. In 2008, the cross-strait relations have been stabilized with the transfer of power between political parties and the ever increasing interactions between the two sides, thus creating business opportunities for the related industries as well as offering more employment. However, there's once again the transfer of power between political parties in 2016 which somehow changed the cross-strait relations. The government of China started to regulate the number of tourists visiting Taiwan. This study aims to explore the impacts on the tourism industry of the said change in the cross-strait relations after the appointment of new government officials. First of all, we will determine if the news on the reduced number of Chinese tourists from August 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 has caused the abnormal return in the tourism industries' stocks through event study. The results showed that the news on the reduced number of Chinese tourists has caused an abnormally significant decline in the stock price of all related industries, namely, the airline industry, hotel industry, and travel agencies. In addition, we would further under-stand the financial impact that Chinese tourists have on Taiwan's tourism industry by regression analysis the relationships between the total business incomes of the listed companies in the tourism industry and the tourists of different nations. In summary, there is a significant relationship between Chinese tourists and the business incomes of the listed companies in the airlines industry, hotel industry, and travel agencies, which indicates the dependence of Taiwan's tourism industry on the Chinese tourists. Due to the transfer of power between political parties, the reduced number of Chinese tourists might become normal from a tentative event, and in the long run, it will be disadvantageous for Taiwan's tourism industry.
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