


The Medieval Military Organization of Tibetan (Bod) Occupied Territory.




林冠群(Kuan-Chun Lin)


吐蕃 ; 西藏 ; 軍事組織 ; 邊疆 ; 唐代 ; Bod ; Tibet ; military ; organization ; frontier ; Tang dynasty




21期(2008 / 06 / 01)


25 - 53






This study used a holistic, comparative, and documentary works review approach documentary works of Medieval Tibetan frontier military organization during the Tang's period. The paper traces the evolution and implications of this several unsolved core issues, such as the principle and causality of military organization on occupied territory, those name of officers and organization that translated between Han's and Tibetan documentary file, they were derived from Tibetan's local political system or just another copies of Tang's frontier's government, the location of military town, their ruling area, the hierarchy among those military authority, the possibilities of the prime minister act as a frontier governor. It uses archival data and masterpieces of Tibetan studies collected among Han's, Tibetan documentary file and latest research reports. This study employs an abundance of local genealogical, chronological, and governmental sources to explain how geographical, cultural, and political factors have shaped medieval Tibetan frontier military organization. It combines with administration, military and production as one solid system, it performs easily to mobilized and simply organic structure.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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