


On Bixiayuanjun during Ming&Qing Dynasty-To Discuss with Mr. Kenneth Pomeranz


周郢(Ying Zhou)


碧霞元君 ; 碧霞祠 ; 泰山 ; 民間信仰 ; 國家祭祀 ; Bixiayuanjun ; Bixia Temple ; Taishan ; Folk beliefs ; National sacrifices ; Chinese religious history ; Ming temple worship ; Qing temple worship




31期(2013 / 06 / 30)


107 - 132






During the mid-late Ming Dynasty and the early period Qing Dynasty, there was enormous debate over the belief of Taishan goddess Bixiayuanjun. The dissenters believed that Yuanjun was not a formal goddess to be worshipped; its temples should be illegal worship places. To place Yuanjun above the Taishan Emperor was to overturn the order of heaven and earth. Moreover, they claimed that the rise in pilgrimage groups was corrupting public morals. Meanwhile, supporters searched various materials to prove that Bixia worship is a type of ”formal worship” rather than ”illegal worship”. At the same time, there were others that believed Yuanjun worship did in fact have ”illegal” status, nevertheless, its constituents should be allowed to acquire ”formal” status. Entering the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government had to formally express their stand against the intense debate. Thus, the three emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong wrote their own ”Opinions on Yuanjun” in order to publicly declare their positions to their subjects. Firstly, Emperor Qianlong considered that the land was regarded as maternal figure in the ancient sacrifices, named as ”Fu'ao” and represented by a statue of a goddess. Bixiayuanjun was declared to have appeared thusly. As a result, Qianlong established the basis for the legality of the belief of Yuanjun. Secondly, he pointed out that the purpose of the worship of Yuanjun by the common folk and the sacrifice to the Taishan god by the nation, were both done to pray for the prosperity of the country and the peaceful livelihood of the people. They may seem different but are actually the same. Thus, the debate over the formality and legality of Bixiayuanjun was ended. The argument at Bixia Temple had basically carried on until almost the end of the Qing Dynasty. The contemporary American scholar, Kenneth Pomeranz, put forward that after Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty, Bixiayuanjun worship lost its constituency amongst the elites, and even Qianlong himself never went to Bixia Temple. However, based on a plethora of historical material, this paper proves that after Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty, Bixiayuanjun didn't, in fact, lose its elite constituency, and that Qianlong himself gave sacrifices several times at Bixia Temple. Furthermore, the national sacrifices of Qing Government in Taishan Bixia Temple lasted to 1910.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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