Lingnan East Area in Tang Dynasty is roughly Guangdong, Hainan, and part of Guangxi regions nowadays, covering quite vast lands. This paper will explore aspects of its agriculture and handicraft development, transportation, commercial trade, etc. Guangzhou in Lingnan East Area was well developed in commercial trade due to its good handicraft foundation, excellent geography location, and being the largest international trade port in Tang Dynasty. Shaozhou, Guizhou, Enzhou, etc were also developed economically because of their better transportation conditions. On the contrary, most other Lingnan East Areas were still less developed lands in Tang except for those mentioned areas above. They had regional development differences with Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Guizhou, etc due to the remote location and inaccessibility. However, even these relatively less-developed areas were further developed after Late Tang and Five Dynasties, because more regional transport routes were opened within Lingnan East Area, and they were also driven by economic development in Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Guizhou, Enzhou, etc.