


The Negotiations on Kashgar Contract between China and Russia in Guangxu Reign


陳維新(Wei-Hsin Chen)


喀什噶爾 ; 塔城界約 ; 中俄改訂條約 ; 曾紀澤 ; 烏孜(仔)別里 ; Kashgar ; The Protocol of Chuguchak ; The Treaty of ST. Petersburg Ts'engChi-tse ; Uz-Bel Davan




33期(2014 / 12 / 31)


93 - 136+145-146




十九世紀初期,俄國勢力進入哈薩克地區,隨後將該地區擅自劃入該國版圖。中俄「北京條約」簽訂後,俄國想透過談判簽約的方式,將該國所占領土地的事實,要求清廷承認。同治三年(1864),中俄簽訂「塔城界約」後,俄國又派兵進占伊犁。清廷派崇厚前往俄國交涉,崇厚與俄國簽訂「交收伊犁條約」,清廷認為此約內容喪權辱國,拒絕簽字,並欲將崇厚治罪,使得中俄兩國關係更加緊張。曾紀澤銜命與俄國政府交涉,雙方簽訂「中俄改訂條約」(Treaty of ST. Petersburg),並約定逐段勘分西北邊界。本文擬以外交部寄存於臺北國立故宮博物院之有關劃分喀什噶爾疆界輿圖、條約及相關檔案史料,針對光緒年間,中俄議定喀什噶爾段邊界的情形作一簡單的介紹。


During the beginning of the 19th century, Russia extended its influence into the region of Kazakh, and expanded the territorial to the east and south area of Lake Issyk-Kul, which belonged to the Empire of Ch'ing; moreover, afterward they put the area into their own domain unilaterally. After the Convention of Peking between Ching Dynasty and Russia being signed, Russia attempted to make the occupied area turned into a fact that Ch'ing Government had no choice but to accept by negotiation and concluding the treaty. And after the Protocol of Chuguchak signed in 1864, Russia took advantage of Xinjiang Turmoil to occupy Ili, then Chonghou was sent by the Ch'ing government to negotiate with Russians. Chonghou signed the Livadia Treaty without authorization, Ch'ing government deemed that the treaty dishonored the nation and forfeited its sovereignty, so that they denied to sign the treaty and intended to punish Chonghou for his dereliction of duty, then the relationship between Russia and China became even more tense. The ambassador to Russia, Ts'eng Chi-tse, carried official order to negotiate with Russian government at that time, hence the Treaty of ST. Petersburg was signed between both sides, and both agreed to survey and delimit the boundaries of northwest. This paper intends to introduce the ministers who were responsible for negotiating with Russian officials on delimiting Kashgar's boundaries in the periods of Guangxu, and how the negotiation being processed by using maps employed in demarcating the Kashgar's frontier as well as the archives and documents related with, such as master copy of treaty and so forth, which were left at the National Palace Museum for safekeeping by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R.O.C..

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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