


The Evolution of Royal Armies System and Establishing the Law of Jiang in Northren Song Dynasty


雷家聖(Chia-Sheng Lei)


宋神宗 ; 置將法(將兵法) ; 都部署 ; 部署 ; 鈐轄 ; 都監 ; Emperor Shenzong of Song ; the law of Jiang ; dobushu ; bushu ; qianxia ; dojian




34期(2015 / 12 / 31)


99 - 124






In the early northern Song Dynasty, the military system was the "three headquarters" system (including xiangdozhihuishi, jundozhihuishi, zhihuishi, dotou or junshi). But in wartime, there was another "dobushu" system, including bushu, qianxia and dojian. The researchers of Song Dynasty have not clearly understood the meanings of these words, lufendojian, zhubodojian, zhoudojian, lufenqianxia, zhuboqianxia, zhouqianxia, lufenbushu and zhoubushu. This makes us visionless to the military system of early northern Song Dynasty. In fact, the Royal Armies of northern Song had also been divided into three kinds, zhubo, tunzhu and jiuliang. The dobushu was the commanding officer of zhubo Army. Lufenbushu, lufenqianxia (zhuboqianxia) and lufendojian (zhubodojian) were officers under the dobushu. Tunzhu and jiuliang Armies belonged to zhizhou (zhoubushu or zhouqianxia). Zhoudojian and xiandojian were officers under zhizhou. The way of dividing Armies made Song’s Armies failed in Song-Xia War. Emperor Shenzong of Song established the Law of Jiang. He put 90% Royal Armies (including zhubo, tunzhu and jiuliang) under a new system "jiang" increased the power of anfushi (dobushu) although it did not help to promote Song Army’s actual war power. In the Song-Xia War of Emperor Shenzong, there were four hundred thousand soldiers of Song’s Army joined this war. This system had its merit. In the late period of Northern Song, the status of anfushi was greatly elevated, not in the situation of just being a leader of a zhou. Until southern Song, anfushi became the highest officer of a lu by adding the title of zhizhishi.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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