


The Spread and Learning of Yu Shi-nan's Calligraphy during the Tang Dynasty


黃緯中(Huang, Wei-Chung)


虞世南 ; 書法 ; 孔子廟堂碑 ; Yu Shi-nan ; calligraphy ; Confucius Temple stele




35期(2016 / 12 / 31)


1 - 28






On the early Tang period, the most accomplished calligraphers are Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢(557~641), Yu Shi-nan虞世南(558~638) and Chu Sui-liang 褚遂良(596 ~658), who are known as "the three calligraphic masters of the early Tang". The influences of Ouyang Xun and Chu Sui-liang on contemporary and future are tremendous, because they have left lots of calligraphic works on stele inscriptions, which provide more possibility for later generations to imitate their calligraphic style. Compared to Ouyang and Chu, Yu Shi-nan's influence is much less. Because he only left one stele inscription: Confucius Temple stele. The stele had been burnt by fire and been reinscribed in later time, so there did not exist good rubbings of this stele, which apparently limited the numbers of people imitating its calligraphic style. However, it is said that Yu Shi-nan learned the methods of using brush筆法 from the Chen Dynasty Buddhist monk Zhi-yong智永, and imparted the methods to his nephew Lu Jian-zhi陸柬之. Then, Lu passed to his son Yen-yuan彥遠, and Yen-yuan passed to his nephew Zhang Xu張旭. Zhang Xu had so many disciples that they spread the Eight Methods八法 widely and had brought profound influence to the calligraphy of High Tang and mid-Tang. For this reason, we could say that Yu Shi-nan made more contribution on the learning and teaching of the methods of using brush than Ouyang Xun and Chu Sui-liang. Besides, in the early years of Chen-kuan period貞觀, both of Ouyang Xun and Yu Shi-nan received the imperial command to teach writing methods of regular script楷書in Hung-wen kuan弘文館. In fact, we could find some stele inscriptions of the early Tang possessing the characteristics of Yu style, such as Kong Ying-da Stele孔穎達碑, which means that there must had been someone who learn Yu style. By analyzing text sources and some existing Tang handwritings, this article will try to articulate the general situation of the learning and teaching of Yu style during the Tang dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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