


The Reformation of Ethical Conduct for Officials in the Middle Tang Dynasty - With the Yuanhe Period As Example


杜慧卿(Du, Hung-Chin)


中唐 ; 憲宗 ; 元和 ; 官僚 ; 倫理 ; Middle Tang Dynasty ; Emperor Xianzong ; Yuanhe ; hierarchy ; ethics




36期(2017 / 12 / 31)


27 - 62






The Middle Tang Dynasty, as a continuation of the Golden Age of the Tang Dynasty, although it had undergone war and turmoil, the legal and political systems remained in force, with the political system, culture, and customs inter-connecting in good conditions. Emperor Suzong, Emperor Daizong, and Emperor Dezong had amended the official's code of practice, attempting to reform the court with a reformation of the personnel system. However, during the regime of Emperor Dezong, with the implementation of the Two-tax Act in Hebei, the court attempted to take over jurisdiction in the three towns in Hebei. Unexpectedly, because of the personnel problems, it triggered off uncontrollable rebellions in Hebei and caused the Jingyuan Mutiny. To appease the uprising, Dezong applied the appeasement policy to knight the officers there, creating uncontrollable outcomes to the hierarchical system in the court. From Emperor Dezong to Emperor Shunzong, the dynasty was still in a peaceful condition. With 20 years of rest and recovery, it laid the foundations for stability. As Emperor Xianzong ascended the throne, he used reformation strategies and methods positively. The reformation of ethical conducts for officials during the Yuanhe period was founded on the basis of the reformation of the hierarchical system during the Middle Tang Dynasty. Targeting on the malpractice of codes, the court enhanced their implementation thoroughly to regulate the chaos and misconduct in the court.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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