


Meditation Effects on Emotional Intelligence for Elementary School Students




周美麗(Mei-Li Chou);吳水丕(Swei-Pi Wu)


靜坐 ; 情緒智力 ; 靜坐之益處 ; 國小學童 ; meditation ; creativity ; EQ ; elementary school student




3卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


139 - 157




本研究之目的在探討靜坐對國小學童情緒智力之影響、學童在靜坐過程的身心變化以及對靜坐的主觀意見。研究採前後測實驗組與控制組的實驗設計(pre-post test control group design),以國小三年級學童為對象,共計五十八人。其中實驗組三十人(男生十六人,女生十四人),控制組二十八人(男生十四人,女生十四人)。實驗組參加為期六個月的靜坐活動,控制組則否。評量工具包括「兒童情緒智力量表」、研究者自編之「靜坐自我檢核表」及「靜坐意見調查問卷」。以單因子共變數分析及百分比方式進行統計處理,統計顯著水準α=.05,主要研究發現:一、實驗組學童在「兒童情緒智力量表」測驗之後設情緒、自我情緒覺察表達和總分優於控制組。二、實驗組男、女學童在「兒童情緒智力量表」之分測驗及總分皆未達到顯著差異。三、隨著靜坐時日的累增,學童正向身心感受日漸增加,負向身心感受日漸減少。四、有100%學童認為靜坐有助於放鬆身體及穩定情緒;70%的學童認為靜坐能專注且不受噪音干擾;93.3%有沉靜舒服的感受;有90%課後願意練習且實際練習過靜坐。五、學童認為靜坐的好處有86.7%記憶力變好、變專心;有83.3%成績進步、頭腦變聰明、精神充沛、快樂、容易入睡;有73.3%情緒平穩;70.0%學習速度加快;66.7%脾氣變好;63.3%創造新遊戲;56.7%做事認真有恆心;43.3%寫字漂亮、人緣變好;40.0%品行變好。六、靜坐對行為偏差學童、選擇性緘默症及過動之學童有改善的效果。


This research investigates meditation's effects on elementary school student creativity, emotional intelligence, physical and spiritual changes during the meditation process. This research is designed with pre- and post- test control group experiments. The subjects, 58 people in total, are third graders at one elementary school. The experiment group has 30 students, including 16 boys and 14 girls. The control group has 28 students, including 14 boys and 14 girls. Students in the experimental group took part in a six-month meditation program. Students in the control group did not. The evaluation instruments include ”Williams Creative Thinking Activity”, ”Williams Creative Thinking Tendency Evaluation”, and the self-made ”Self Examining Evaluation for Meditation” and ”Questionnaire of Opinions on Meditation”. The research is analyzed with ANOVA. The main discoveries derived from the research are as follows: 1. Students in the experiment group exhibited better liberality, preciseness, title (to name the picture) and total scores than students in the control group in the ”Williams Creative Thinking Activity” test. 2. Students in the experiment group exhibited adventure taking, challenge taking, and higher total scores than the control group in the ”Williams Creativity Tendency Evaluation” test. 3. Students in the experiment group exhibited better on meta-emotion, personal emotions, awareness expression and total scores than students in the control group in the ”Children Emotional Quotient Evaluation” test. 4. There were no obvious differences between groups on the ”Williams Creative Thinking Tendency Evaluation” and ”Children Emotional Quotient Evaluation”. 5. As the meditation practice days increased, the third graders’ positive feelings rose and their negative feelings decreased. 100% of the students think that meditation helps them to relax, calms them down, and evens their breathing. 99.7% of them think that mediation makes them concentrate better. 93.3 % of them feel ”serene and comfortable” when practicing meditation. 90% of the school children are willing to practice mediation and actually have practiced it after school. 6. The children's gains and opinions on mediation: 86.7% of the students have better memory and become more concentrated; 83.3% of them get better grades on school performances, become smarter, happier, full of more energy, and also can easily fall asleep and get into deep sleep; 73.3% of them have stable moods; 70.0% of them learn things more quickly; 66.7% of them have better tempers; 63.3% of them can create new games; 56.7% of them do things with more patience; 43.3% of them have better handwriting and relations with others; 40.0% of the students are on better behaviors. 7. Meditation has improved some school children in their declensional behaviors, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder and selective reticent syndrome problems.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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