This study used the NMQ questionnaire to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort for environmental cleaners and assess their action category using the OWAS posture analysis system. Analysis using the NMQ questionnaire revealed that among the 200 cleaner respondents, musculoskeletal discomfort was present in up to 168 people, with a prevalence of 84%. The discomfort percent for the right shoulder 59% (99), left shoulder 42% (71), left knee 43% (72), the right hand / wrist 41% (69), right knee 40% (67), left hand / wrist 34% (57), left elbow 33% (56), right leg / ankle 29% (48), left leg / ankle 26% (44), neck 23% (38), back 21% (36), hip or thigh 9% (15). The discomforts listed above parts were 90% related to the work. Age, exercise habits, working years, whether stretching exercises were performed prior to work, whether the subject engaged in sports after work and the work speed were significantly related to musculoskeletal discomfort . According to the OWAS posture analysis, for general garbage cleaners, the AC1 category accounted for 67.01%, AC2 12.13%, AC3 18.73%, AC4 2.11%. For resource recycling cleaners, the AC1 category accounted for 49.58 %, AC2 42.97 %, AC3 6.61%, AC4 0.8%. The analysis for general garbage cleaners found that the head forward, and back bending postures accounted for 25% and 16%, respectively. OWAS directly belonged to the AC3 category. For resource recycling cleaners, the head and neck forward, and back bending postures accounted for 52.06% and 46.28%, respectively. This category belongs to AC3, and requires immediate improvement. Further, cross analysis, verified that the head forward, back bending, and two-leg bending, and overload handling postures are ergonomic risk factors. It is suggested that there is a tendency to adjust the working posture and providing handling aids to reduce awkward posture. Environmental cleaners' occupational musculoskeletal injury conditions must be monitored to ensure labor safety and health.
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.,2004, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health News Releases. Taipei, Taiwan. (Available from: URL: http://www.iosh.gov.tw/data/f5/news930920.htm).
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