题名 |
生命教育在大學通識教育課程中的實施與運用 |
并列篇名 |
The Applications of Life Education in the University General Education Curriculum |
10.7041/SCJGE.200406.0049 |
作者 |
裴晉國(Jin-Kuo Pei);陳麗芬(Lee-Fen Chen) |
关键词 |
通識教育 ; 生命教育 ; 生命關懷 ; General Education ; Life Education ; Assiduity about Life ; Care of Life |
期刊名称 |
實踐通識論叢 |
卷期/出版年月 |
2期(2004 / 06 / 01) |
页次 |
49 - 64 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
本文之主旨,在於經由大學通識教育的實施目標與教育理念,挖掘出通識教育中的生命教育課題;並因此解析目前國內對於生命教育的課程內容與目標,結合於通識教育的整體內涵中。 身處社會倫理觀念趨於模糊的今日,學生的價值觀混淆,自殺率節節上升,各種吸毒、傷人的事件不斷的浮現,由每日的報章雜誌傳媒的報導中,我們再再發現青少年的人格、健康發展、對生命的價值都受到了嚴重的挑戰與威脅。因此,生命教育的課程乃是從觀察與分享對生、老、病、死之感受過程中,體會生命之意義及存在的價值,進而培養尊重和珍惜自己與他人生命的情懷。 通識課程所提供的養分,並不只是人的生命,而是生命發展的必需供給元素,就如同人要活下去是主體,但是人要如何活下去,則必須需要有養分,專業課程及通識課程,都提供了這些必要的養分。如果只有專業養分,人可以活下去,但卻顯的單調、貧乏;只有通識養分,則無法顯示其一致性。因此,專業與通識二者的融合,既可見其一致性,又可見其豐富,就是最好的說明。最後,以開南管理學院「生命關懷」之課程設計為例,加以說明生命教育的如何著手進行之。期待經由人與人之間的主體性討論,對於人與生死間的關係,得到深層的思考與分析,使大學生對於生命價值意義取得、人權與人性尊嚴的學習與增進、生命哲學知識的建立,均能透過課程設計及教學,得到全人教育的調適。 |
英文摘要 |
The main propose of this paper will indicate the educational ideas of life education application goals. As we know, life is so honor. To respect the true value of life is the mission and important issue of the academic field of general education. The promotion of life education in Taiwan Province was started from 1997. The Ministry of Education establishes the council of the promotion life education on 2000. In the university, the life education naturally becomes a part of the general education. The mission of the general education is to create the ”holistic person” who has the self-enlighten, self-development, self-promotion and self-expansion. Life education can achieve this goal and becomes the important part of it. We can indicate the multiple perspectives of the life education in university. And the course of life education will lead the students from observing and sharing the experience of birth, elderly, sickness and death. Eventually we introduce the course of Assiduity about Life in Kai Nan University as an example. Hope the teaching contents and the setup can bring the discussion about the life education and students in University to achieve the aims of life. |
主题分类 |
社會科學 >
教育學 |
参考文献 |
被引用次数 |