


Stressor and Stress Coping Model of College Students: From Holistic Educational View




劉玉華(Yu-Hua Liu)


壓力 ; 壓力源 ; 壓力因應 ; 全人教育 ; stress stressor coping with stress holistic education




2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


65 - 82






As to the stressor in college students, it has been more complicated and diversity recently. The stressors in college students can be composed of academic learning, family relationship, finding a suitable partner, career planning and some addict behaviors. The literature reviewed in this research presents an overview of our current understanding of the stress process on definitions, stressors and coping models. In order to understand this, it is useful to know about different models of stress. Research has indicated that certain coping models are particularly constructive and preventive when used in particular situations from holistic educational view. Finally, it is essential that we try to understand the factors that determine the college students’ sources of stressor and choices of coping models as this has crucial implications for his or her outcome.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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