


The Religious Attitudes and Behaviors of Participants of New Religion Club/Traditional Religion Club in the University




鍾秋玉(Chiu-Yu Chung)


新興宗教 ; 價值觀 ; 自我認同 ; New Religion ; value ; self-identity




5期(2006 / 01 / 01)


1 - 24




近幾年台灣許多新興宗教的興起受到大眾的關注。在學界方面,對於各新興宗教的發展、歷史、教義內容、組織運作…等等亦有諸多的研究,其主要的研究對象為一般社會大眾。 新興宗教在社會上發展的同時,亦在大專校園中吸引了許多青年學生的參與,進而成立新興宗教的學生社團。誠然,大學生藉由(宗教)社團之參與對其自我認同的建立有正向的意義。然而,研究顯示:一般大眾對於新興宗教的規範正當性普遍有所質疑,對於宗教的客觀知識普遍不足,並且對於各種宗教團體常存有先入為主的觀念。那麼,在大學校園內,青年們對於新興/傳統宗教的知覺為何?新興/傳統宗教社團學生各自是如何看待彼此的宗教信仰?是本研究關注的主要議題。 本研究主要以問卷調查進行各項資料的蒐集,研究樣本包含新興禪學社團社員、傳統佛教社團社員與一般大專生,共148位。研究結果發現: 一、新興宗教社團和傳統佛教社團樣本在個人與集體宗教行為的看法上並無差異。 二、和傳統佛教社團相較下,新興宗教社團成員之親友參與新興宗教的比率較高,對於親友參與新興宗教也明顯抱持正向的態度。 三、和一般大專生樣本相較下,新興宗教社團和傳統佛教社團樣本的生活經驗傾向為較負向。 四、新興宗教社團、傳統佛教社團和一般大專生樣本在各價值項目上互有異同之處,值得持續觀察研究。


The arising of new religion in Taiwan society in recent years has attracted academic interests. In previous studies related to the New Religion, the researchers mainly focused on New Religions' histories, major beliefs, practice methods and operations of organizations…etc. The subject studied were common followers in society. While developing in the society, the new religions also attracted followers in the college or university and led to the formation of student club in their extra curriculum activities. Joining religion may be positive for students to pursue their own self identity. However, some researches indicated the norm legitimacy of new religions have been disputable by the major public. Also, due to a lack of objective knowledge, prejudgments are easily formed. The purposes of this research are to find out what is the perception of college students involved in new religion versus students in traditional religion and their perspectives of related belief contents. By using questionnaire collected from 148 subjects who are students participating traditional Buddha club, New Religion club and students with no specific faith. The outcome of research indicates: 1. There is no significant difference between two different group of student in their perception of group and individual religious behaviors. 2. Compared to students in Traditional Religion club, students involved in New Religion Club have higher percentage of having their family also participated New Religion. 3. Compared to control group (students without specific faith), Students involved in New Religion and Traditional Religion both indicated a higher tendency of negative life experiences. 4. In terms of value items, the statistics show similarity and dissimilarity in different items. This phenomenon is worth to have further study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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