


The Study of the Service Quality and Consumer Behavioral Intention in Tainan City Florist Industry




朱惠英(Hui-Ying Chu)


服務品質重視度 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 行爲意向 ; 花店 ; service quality importance ; customers' satisfaction ; behavior intention ; florist




27期(2008 / 09 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究以446位台南市花店消費者爲樣本,探討影響其對花店業者之服務品質「重視度」、「滿意度」及「消費行爲意向」之因素,並分析人口統計變項、服務品質重視度、滿意度對消費行爲意向的預測力,研究結果發現,受試者對服務品質的重視度趨於正向(4.12分),其中以「花卉的新鮮度。」一項最令消費者重視;而以「提供付款方式的便利性(如:可信用卡付帳)。」得分最低;在滿意度部份,受試者的滿意度稍趨正向(3.52),其中以「能提供桌上盆花的設計服務。」最令消費者滿意;而以「提供網路訂購服務的便利性。」滿意度最低;至於在行爲意向方面,受試者的得分稍趨正向(3.31),其中以「我以後還會持續來本店消費。」及「我除了本店之外不會再到其他家花店消費。」二項最表同意,而以「我會遊說他人不要到本店消費。」一題最不表贊同。 受試者之「性別」、「年齡」、「學歷」、「職業」、「平均月收入」和「年消費次數」等六個變項對重視度、滿意度及行爲意向間有不同程度的影響力,而消費行爲意向與重視度、滿意度間亦有不等程度的正相關存在。在逐步多元迴歸分析下發現,各自變項對行爲意向的預測力,以「服務品質重視度」最佳,其次依序爲「性別」及「顧客滿意度」。


This study uses 446 consumers of florists in Tainan city as samples to explore the factors that affect service quality ”importance”, ”satisfaction” and ”consumer behavioral intention” of the florist industry, and analyze the prediction of demographic variables, service quality importance, and satisfaction on consumer behavioral intention. The study result found, subjects’ opinions of the importance of service quality tend to be positive (4.12). Consumers care about ”the freshness of flowers” the most; and care about ”providing convenience of payment method (eg: credit card)” the least. In satisfaction, subjects' opinions of satisfaction tend to be positive (3.52). Consumers are satisfied with ”being able to provide service design for table flowers” the most; and ”providing convenience of online order service” the least. In behavioral intention, the subjects' scores tend to be more positive (3.31). The two items ”I will continue to shop in this store in the future” and ”I will not shop in other florists besides this store” received the most agreements. The item which received the least agreements is ”I will convince others not to shop in this store”. There are different levels of influence from the subjects' ”gender”, ”age”, ”education”, ”occupation”, ”average monthly income”, and ”annual shopping frequency”, on importance, satisfaction and behavioral intention. There are also different levels of positive relationships between ”consumer behavioral intention”, importance, and satisfaction. It is found under stepwise multiple regression analysis, that the prediction of each variable on behavioral intention, the ”service quality importance” is the best, and then followed by ”gender” and ”customers' satisfaction”.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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