In the colonial process of Han-Chinese in Taiwan, I-lan was late Since the last half of the 18(superscript th) century, Han-Chinese had cultivated this area. In 1812, the Ching dynasty set the officials as a county The location of Fo-Guang University is Jiao-xi, means ”dry river”. But there is hot spring. Chinese officials favored the hot spring from a point of view of Confucianism. In the Analogue of Confucianism, it was a good thing to take a bath in the river and then dancing on the altars. Therefore local officials took a bath in the hot spring of Jiao-xi in the end of 19(superscript th) century. In the Japanese Colonial period, Japanese also favored the hot spring bath. They established bath club and several hostels to provide hot spring for visitors bathing. But those bath club and hostels were boomed in 1944-1945 by US Airforce in word war Ⅱ. It was the peak of hot spring mixed with feasting and girls in 1970s. Due to the fishing business was booming, I-lan fishers got extra incomes for capturing the baby-elms. They spent their extra income for drinking and dancing in Jiao-xi karaoke places with girls. In 1990s, many elm cultivators moved to Viet-Nen or China, economy of I-lan was getting worse, hot-spring and karaoke business would be hurted. Now the holder of Jiao-xi hot spring hotels fry to find a new way for survive.