


The Development History of Psychical Research




楊惠宇(Hu-Yeu Yang)


靈媒異能者 ; 超能力 ; 心靈能學 ; 心靈學超心理學 ; Psychics Mediums ; Supernormal Powers ; Psycho-energetics Psychical Research/Parapsychology




2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


99 - 166




目前超心理學的研究內容,約可分爲以下四種:(一)「超感應力」(Extra-sensory Perception, ESP),包括人類各種的超感知覺力,如心靈感應(Telepathy)、透視(Clairvoyance)、遙視(Remote Viewing)、預知(Precognition)、溯知(Retrocognition)等;(二)「心靈致動」(Psycho Kinesis, PK),包括各式各樣的念力展現,如思維成像(Thoughtography)、飄浮(Lovitation)、顯形(Materialization)、搬運(Apport, Deport, Teleportation)、超自然治療(Paranormal Healing)等;(三)「非肉體存在」(Discarnate Entity, DE),包括一切非物質性的精神力量或狀態,如瀕死經驗(Near-Death Experience, NDE)、離體經驗(Out-of-body Experience, OBE)、靈體投射(Astral Projection分身)、附身(Possession或Obsession中邪)、死後續存(survival of Death)的訊息傳遞及顯形(Apparition幽靈)、轉世(Reincarnation)等;以及(四)「意識狀態改變」(Altered States of Consciousness, ASC),包括夢境(Dream)研究、精神病態(Psychopathy)、致幻藥物(Magical Drugs)、靜心(Meditation)、催眠(Hypnosis)等。 西方心靈學的發展史,大致可分爲以下幾個重要階段,從古代直到文藝復興前後的1750年代左右,人類的心靈力量始終是與宗教之存在一直持續的發展;1750到1850年代是梅斯麥術(Mesmerism,後稱催眠術Hypnosis)興盛的時期,長達約有一世紀之久;1850到1882的30年間,是歐美社會通靈術(Spiritualism)運動最風行的年代;自1882年英國成立世界上第一個以研究心靈現象爲宗旨的研究組織一「心靈學研究會」(The society for Psychical Research, SPR)後一直到1930年間,人們開始正視精神力量與通靈現象,並對各樣的心靈現象展開調查,研究機構遂紛紛於世界各地設置了起來;1930到1960年代,被譽爲「萊恩時期」(Rhine Period),此因萊恩不僅將超心理學帶入了劃時代的實驗研究階段,也使超心理學(Parapsychology)、超感應力(ESP)成爲家喻戶曉的名詞。60年代以後直到今日,超心理學雖仍非學術界主流,甚至常被詆毀爲「僞科學」,但卻是已邁入實驗研究與調查研究全面發展之階段,各國在此領域也累積了極多的研究資料與成果,英美知名大學也授有超心理學的博士學位,未來超心理學的發展仍有極大的努力空間。


Parapsychology or psychical research is the scientific and scholarly study of certain exchanges between minds, or between minds and the environment, which are not dealt with by current, orthodox science Because they are unusual events associated with human experience A long-held common-sense assumption is that the worlds of the subjective and objective are completely distinct, with no overlap. Subjective is ”here, in the head,” and objective is ”there, out in the world” Parapsychology is the study of phenomena suggesting that the strict subjective/objective dichotomy may instead be part of a spectrum, with some phenomena occasionally falling between purely subjective and purely objective Parapsychologists call such phenomena ”anomalous,” because they are difficult to explain within current scientific models. These anomalies fall into four general categories extrasensory perception (ESP, including telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and retrocognition), psychokinesis (PK, paranormal effects on physical objects, including poltergeist phenomena and paranormal healing), altered states of consciousness (ASC, including dream, psychopathy, magical drugs, meditation and hypnotic regression) and discarnate entity (DE), phenomena suggestive of survival after bodily death, including near-death experiences, out-of-the-body experiences, apparitions, hauntings and reincarnation. Now the parapsychologist's aims has been to examine the importment questions of whether we survive bodily death, by evaluating the evidence provided by mediumship, apparitions of the .dead and reincarnation studies. Today most parapsychologists expect that further research will eventually explain these anomalies in scientific terms, although it is not clear whether they can. be fully understood without significant (some might say revolutionary) expansions of the current state of scientific knowledge. Other. researchers take the stance that existing scientific models of perception and memory are adequate to explain some or all parapsycho logical phenomena.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
  1. 萊恩研究中心
  2. 美國心靈學研究會
  3. 超心理學協會
  4. (1991)。世界超能力大百科。臺北:將門。
  5. 超自然聲稱科學調查委員會
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  7. 日本超心理學會
  8. 異常人類經歷網絡
  9. 心靈學研究會
  10. 意識研究實驗室
  11. (1986)。心靈神秘學百科。臺北:鄉村。
  12. 心靈學研究會
  13. Anne Moberly,Eleanor Jourdain(1904).An Adventure.London:Faber.
  14. Arthur S. Berger,Joyce Berger(1991).Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Psychical Research.New York:Paragon House.
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  17. Francis X. King(1991).The Encyclopedia of Mind Magic & Mysteries.London:Dorling Kindersley Limited.
  18. John Beloff(1993).Parapsychology: A Concise History.London:The Athlone Press.
  19. Michael Talbot(1991).The Holographic Universe.HarperCollins press.
  20. P. Frank(1948).Einstein: His Life and Times.New York:Knopf.
  21. William James(1979).The Will to Believe.Cambridge:Harvard University Press.
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