


Theoretical Perspectives for the Cooperate Relationship and Logistics' Performance between Enterprises and 3th Party Logistics




陳昭宏(Jao-Hong Cheng);湯志暉(Jr-Heui Tang)


交易成本理論 ; 代理理論 ; 資源依賴理論 ; 第三者專業務流 ; 合作關係與運籌績效 ; Transaction Costs Theory ; Agency Theory ; Resource-Dependence Theory ; 3th Party Logistics ; Cooperate Relationship and Logistics' Performance




1卷1期(2005 / 12 / 01)


67 - 86




企業透過第三者專業物流(3th party logistics;以下簡稱3PL)的協助,不僅可以達到本身物流經營績效的提昇,進一步還可使整個運籌達到整合性物流之綜效,使整體產業之運籌具有競爭優勢。而企業如何善用此新中間組織並形成合作關係,是現階段重要課題之一。 過去部分學者大多以單一理論概念說明,並未建構完整性的理論架構加以說明。然而不確定性、交易雙方為交易所投入的特殊性資產、交易頻率、任務環境的變化和特性、連結雙方合作關係的資源形態和特性以及主理人與代理人之間彼此信任賴的代理問題,皆可能會影響企業和第三者專業物流之合作關係。因此,本研究以交易成本理論、資源依賴理論,和代理理論等觀點,建構一完整性的理論架構,探討企業與3PL之間的問題。 此外,企業所有的營運改善和投資作為,其目的不外乎提升企業的績效。而相關研究結果,顯示關係品質是一種包含各種正面關係結果的結構,可反映出關係整體強度以及關係人在需求及期望上的滿足程度。本研究進一步分析企業和第三者專業物流合作關係整合程度對績效之影響,主要發現為在交易成本理論下的不確定因素、代理理論下的3PL 衍生的機會成本,以及資源依賴理論的物流功能的複雜性等構面,對企業和第三者專業物流的合作關係程度是有顯著影響,而且企業和第三者專業物流合作關係程度對績效表現良窳亦存在顯著的影響效果。


Enterprises through the third party logistics (3th Party Logistics; The assistance that hereafter referred to as 3PL), the promotion that can't merely reach one's own logistics and deal in the performance, but also supply chain reaches the synergy of the integrated logistics, and makes the supply chain of the industry have competition advantages. Therefore, it is one of the important subjects for enterprises to cooperate with the new intermediation well now. Much prior research has not only been guided by the single theory concept but been proved by constructing the integrality of theory framework. However, uncertainty, particularity assets of both parties for the invested action of trade, trade frequency, the resource form and characteristic by linking the cooperation of both sides, problem of agency relationship that one party (the principal) delegates work to another (the agent) and trusts each other, and all influence of partnership of enterprises and the 3PL as the foregoing points. In this paper, we examine the multi-theory constructs completely based on transaction costs theory, agency theory, resource-dependence theory to analyze the relationships of enterprises and the 3PL. In addition as to enterprise, final purpose of all operation, investment, and the behavior for improving action is to improve performance of enterprise. Along with other researchers, these authors note that relationship quality included by all structural result of positive relation reflects the intensity of integral relationship and the demand and expect satisfaction of relationship. Implications for influence on the performance of enterprises and 3PL adopting integral partnership are discussed. These results provide the influence of exhibiter significant relationships with enterprises and 3PL, utilizing uncertainty factor of transaction costs theory, 3PL's opportunity cost of logistic function with outsourcing of agency theory, and complex logistic function of resource-dependence theory. These factors are crucial to integrate partnership of 3PL with outsourcing of enterprises. Throughout this paper, our goal has been to provide the integral partnership and performance of enterprises and 3PL with significant. It will take a concerted effort by researchers of a supply chain to shape a comprehensive understanding of multi-theory construct with logistic. Such an effort could make an important contribution, not only to researchers, but to practicality as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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