


The Assessment of the Long-Run Industrial Manpower at Lanyang Region: The Effect of Taiwan Shea-San Tunnel




陳麗貞(Lee-Chen Chen);黃寶祚(Bao-Tzuoh Huang);黃翊媗(Yi-Shuan Huang)


先例分析法 ; U型人口流動 ; 專案評估 ; analysis ; U-typed manpower movement ; projects assessment




2卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


93 - 118






Due to the rising regional disparity caused by recent urban-rural discrimination events, the trans-regional transportation projects have become most concerns for the public and their government. This paper supplements the cross-region social assessment of U-typed manpower movement by the related foreign experiences, using the Taiwan's Shea-San Tunnel as an example. The precedent development and strategic stage are introduced as another critical method in conjunction with the data of net migration. Our results indicate that the outcome of the above U-typed manpower movement is insignificant. Finally, the new planning considering a tremendous chasm stage is offered to derive the optimal regional development, aiming at improving the social impacts of the insignificant and unexpected U-typed movement.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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