


The analysis of the relationship between internet addiction tendency and social self-esteem


程淑華(Shu-hua Cheng);施壹騰(Yi-teng Shih)


外顯社會自尊 ; 内隱社會自尊 ; 內隱連结測驗(implicit association test,IAT) ; 網路成癮傾向 ; internet addiction tendency ; explicit social esteem ; implicit social esteem ; the Implicit Association Test




5卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


41 - 74




調査顯示因為同儕的影響使得台灣人網路使用行為頻繁,且過去的實徵研究證實網路的慣性使用行為已對青少年產生成癮傾向與適應不良的問題,而男性所受到的負向影響性大於女性,因此本研究即針對於18-30歲的男性受試者在社會自尊之高低與其網路成癮傾向間的關係加以探討。本研究分為兩個研究,研究一係以自陳式的評量方式檢驗社會自尊與網路成癮傾向間是否具有負相關,採立意取樣抽取有效樣本785位年輕男性,並藉由社會自尊問卷和中文網路成癮量表等研究工具蒐集資料。經相關分析及多變量單因子變異數分析發現社會自尊越低者,網路成癮頻向越高。研究二便利抽取108名男性軍校生,並以自陳式的社會自尊問卷,中文網路傾向量表以及内隱連結測驗(implicit-association test,IAT)探討外顯社會自尊,内隱社會自尊與網路成癮傾向間的關係。結果發現内隱社會自尊與網路成癮傾向無相關,外顯社會自尊和内隱社會自尊間亦無相關,而外顯社會自尊,内隱社會自尊各與網路成癮傾向間的相關存在著差異性,顯示內隱社會自尊跟外顯社會自尊應屬兩個不同的構念,與過去研究類似。但因測量方式的限制,研究結果僅屬初步的探索,此外,研究者除針對假設驗證结果進行討論,說明本研究結果發現與研究限制,並針對未來研究方向提供些許建議。


Research showed that the prevalence rate of internet usage was getting higher and higher for Taiwanese because of peer influences. Past research also proved that habitual internet usage had caused adolescents to be addicted to the Internet and resulted in poor adaptation. The negative impact was stronger on males especially. Therefore, the research tried to explore the relationships between social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency among 18-30 year-old males. Two research were designed. In the first research, the researchers used two self-reported inventories, such as the Social Self-esteem Inventory and CIAS-R to collect data and to test whether there was a negative relationship between social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency. 785 males including soldiers and youths from the internet café were sampled purposively. The results analyzed by Pearson r and MANOVA showed that the lower social self-esteem an individual was, the higher tendency of the internet addiction he got. In the second research, 108 male cadets were sampled conveniently. Social Self-esteem Inventory, CIAS-R and IAT were used to collect data regarding explicit social self-esteem, implicit social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency. Results showed that there was no relationship between implicit social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency. There was also no relationship between implicit social self-esteem and explicit social self-esteem. In addition, the relationship between implicit social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency was different from the relationship between explicit social self-esteem and internet addiction tendency. The results above might mean that implicit social self-esteem and explicit social self-esteem may be two different constructs. However, the research was only an exploratory analysis because of the limitation regarding the measure method. The researcher also indicated some other discussions, limitations and future research directions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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