


Assessing the City Happiness and Sustainable Index (CHSI) of Taichung City and Fuzhou City


陳晗施(Han-Shi Chen);林映辰(Ying-Chen Lin)


城市幸福及永續指數(CHSI) ; 專家問卷 ; 網路問卷 ; 台中市 ; 福州市 ; City happiness and sustainable index (CHSI) ; expert questionnaire ; web-based questionnaire ; Taichung City ; Fuzhou City




6卷1期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 42




聯合國於2016年起正式推動永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs),其中多項主要目標及策略均提及「幸福」對永續發展之重要性。近年來國際上常見以指標方式,評估特定城市、地區、鄰里居民之幸福程度,然當前評估工具多為針對歐美國家所建置,少有考量亞洲城市社會經濟與環境特性。爰此,本研究旨在彙整國際不同幸福指數評估項目,採二階段方式進行評析,先透過專家問卷確立適合評估亞洲城市之指標項目及權重,建構兩岸城市幸福與永續指數(City Happiness and Sustainable Index,CHSI),再針對台中市和福州市均有居住經驗之學生為調查對象發放網路問卷,結合客觀統計數據與主觀判斷調查進行比較分析。研究結果顯示,在兩岸城市幸福與永續指數總得分表現上,台中市(56.57)與福州市(56.74)差距甚小,惟前者在環境、教育文化、宜居性構面較具優勢,而後者則在交通運輸、經濟、水資源、與飲食構面略勝一籌。本研究成果將可作為地方政府未來研擬改善策略,提升居民整體幸福與永續感受之重要方針。


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been promoted by the United Nations since 2016, in which, many of the sub-objectives mentioned the importance of the "happiness" for sustainable development. In recent years, there were several indicators established for assessing the different levels of happiness for the specific neighborhoods, areas, or cities. This study attempts to understand the happiness related indexes proposed by the European and American countries comprehensively, then constructs the Asia's cities specified (especially for the cross-strait cities of mainland China and Taiwan) index system for evaluating the happiness and sustainability. In order to determine the weighs of different dimensions, the expert questionnaire is designed first. Secondly, the web-based questionnaire is established for collecting the subjective experiences from the participants who have been ever lived in both Taichung City and Fuzhou City for more than three months. Finally, both the objective statistical data and subjective survey results are both interpreted. The main contribution of this study is to propose the integrated index system named the Cross-strait City Happiness and Sustainable Index (CHSI), which can be used to compare the different levels of happiness and sustainability between the cross-strait cities. The results revealed that the total CHSI scores of both Taichung City (56.57) and Fuzhou City (56.74) are very similar, but the environment, education & culture, and livability in Taichung City, and the transportation, economy, water resources, and diet in Fuzhou City have the better performances than each other. In order to promote the happier and the more sustainable city life, the CHSI could be a helpful tool to guide the local government for policy making in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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