


A qualitative enquiry on the pattern and transformation of emotions developed in an in-line-skating/skiing course offered in a college




章勝傑(Simon Chang);溫卓謀(Cho-Mou Wen)


運動技能 ; 冒險教育 ; 學習成效 ; psychomotor skills ; adventure education ; learning outcomes




12期(2019 / 09 / 30)


25 - 53






To examine the pattern of emotions developed and transformed in an in-line-skating/skiing course offered in a college, the researchers conducted a qualitative study and interviewed 18 students who took this course. Students' course reports were analyzed to analyze the patterns and contexts of students' learning emotions. The findings can be summarized into two parts. First, about 60 percent of the emotions recalled were positive and 40 percent of them were negative. Gratitude, expectance, elation, happiness, achieving were among the most often mentioned positive emotions, and scare, frustration, exhaustion, nervousness, sadness were the often-mentioned negative ones. Besides, the feeling of frustration might be a constructive factor in learning skiing. Frustration forced students to engage in self-talk and self-encouragement, to appreciate social supports from peers and instructors, and it made success tastier. Secondly, students' emotions manifested a temporal facet, in that they varied while the learning events proceed. Furthermore, students' emotions evolved as their skiing skills matched or mismatched with challenging levels of the skiing slops. There seemed to be a "V" pattern of learning emotions as the overall atmosphere was pleasant in the beginning, frustrating thereafter, and ecstasy in the end. Suggestions about future research and teaching practices are proposed in the end. Some students' inspiration on psychomotor instruction strategies are presented as epilogue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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