


The Printability of Applying Digital Printing to Aqua-graphic Transfer on PVA Film




陳昌郎(Chang-Lang Chen);王怡力(Yi-Li Wang);高惠齡(Hui-Ling Kao)


數位印刷 ; 水披覆轉印 ; PVA膜 ; Digital Printing ; Aqua-graphic Transfer ; PVA Film




2008(2008 / 03 / 01)


135 - 151




水披覆轉印(Aqua-graphic Transfer)技術能在不規則物體表面印刷出極佳的質感與效果,許多產品外殼在經過3D立體水披覆轉印彩裝後防水、不褪色,達到保護、美化、宣傳的功能,產品整體質感提高,創造更多經濟價值。目前的趨勢越趨傾向開發個性化市場,數位印刷不需製版、節省製程成本、圖文影像精細又能創造個性化塗裝效果,因此,本研究欲以數位印刷結合水披覆轉印塗裝技術,分別探討以數位印刷的180 lpi印製PVA薄膜與銅版紙,其滿版濃度、階調擴增、印刷對比與疊印能力等特性,以及不同的活化時間水披覆轉印至被印材料ABS上,其色彩品質特性,透過量化的實驗量測與綜合分析,從實驗中得出: 一、銅版紙的滿版濃度、階調擴增、印刷對比與疊印能力特性之平均值,皆高於PVA膜,尤其在滿版濃度與印刷對比的特性上出現顯著差異;顯示以數位印刷結合水披覆轉印,數位印刷機的預設值必須依據PVA水溶性轉印薄膜的特性做調整。 二、轉印時活化30秒的樣張,其滿版濃度值高於活化20秒的樣張,Y與M滿版濃度值更達到顯著差異;表示以數位印刷精細品質印製而成的PVA膜,其濃度特性仍然受到轉印階段活化時間的長短而有差異。 數位印刷水披覆轉印薄膜仍屬於試驗階段,後續可依PVA膜特性調節數位印刷設定值與延長活化時間,產生專屬數位印刷水披覆轉寫薄膜的活化時間域曲線,以穩定此製程、建立水披覆轉印個性化塗裝服務流程、提升數位印刷與水披覆轉寫印刷技術之應用範圍。


Aqua-graphic Transfer can wrap and decorate on all kinds of three dimensional products and built great effect. The products which decorate by Aquagraphic Transfer are protected from water and fading. What's more, these kinds of decorations strongly increase the beauties, promotions and values of the objects. Aqua-graphic Transfer are now using Gravure Printing and Screen Printing to print water-soluble PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) film, however, there are still some problems. Gravure Printing and Screen Printing are both unable to create the personalized press work other than Digital Printing. Therefore, this research mainly looks into combine Digital Printing with Aqua-graphic Transfer, going to compare: first, the difference of color characteristics on PVA and coated paper, second, the difference of solid ink density with different activating time while Aqua-graphic Transfer. This study is a true experimental research, and the data is analyzed by SPSS software. The result is as following: 1. The value of solid ink density, tone value increase, print contrast and trapping on coated paper is higher than the value on PVA. The difference is significant on solid ink density and print contrast. 2. The solid ink density of the sample activated for 30 seconds is better than those activated for 20 seconds. The difference is significant, especially the solid ink density value on Y and M. Additionally, it is expected to develop personalized painting service, broaden the usage of Digital Printing and Aqua-graphic Transfer technology and be beneficial to those industry managers, government officers, and academics of the related field.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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