Although there was superior development for printing industry in Taiwan, there was still weak competition between the globalization. In order to improve the quality and the competitiveness to productions, it not only needs to concern the effect of variant devices and to establish the latest system of quality control but to lead into the printing standards for the stability. Different printing device systems may cause much confusion of the color characterization and many checking problems between consumers and the factories, then, just form the influences into ”standardization challenges”. In order to generalize the color predilection and offer both of preferences and adoption to the magazine publishing and then, also, to be the destination for printing industry, respectively. We illustrated the analysis by the means of into different global offset color standards of printing quality properties for the various agencies in this study.
The main objectives of the thesis were evaluating the influence toward between the magazine publishing and printing industry in different offset specifications. There were three global standardizations used as follow: ISO12647-2, Japan Color Standard and GRACoL 7, to process the same content of test target in color printing. Certainly, the variation of the variables were considered including solid, tone increase value, print contrast, trapping, gray balance, colorimetric and hue error, to make sure matching the properties of these standards up. Hence, the investigation methods of questionnaire were used to establish the statistic data, and which were attached the three kinds of proofing. Due to obtain the relation results, this research assay the information of magazine publisher besides the preferences of color be taken down.
This study verifies ISO 12647-2 had the most color-predilection performances to the magazine publishers between variables by the investigation methods of questionnaire. And, the main findings of the study are as follows:
1. There is comparative difference on the colorgraphic predilection of human division to different genders.
2. Different ages are significantly correlated with the influences of neutral and memory color divisions on color predilection. Then, it is grouped a tendency toward ISO 12647-2 of neutral category at the age of 31~35; and the 26~30 ages are also grouped toward ISO 12647-2 in another division.
3. To different level educations, there is no significant difference on color predilection. And the predilection of college-level students is grouped a tendency toward Japan Color Standard.
4. There is no significant difference on the color predilection to different students of college departments. And the students of Visual Communication Design are grouped a tendency toward the predilection of ISO 12647-2.
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