In order to understand computer books paperless and digital reading lies face our readers and electronic book market, the study of computer books readers into the on-line survey. Our research has conducted and internet surveys and findings are as follows: Fully understand the expectations of the readers computer publishing carrier to ”electronic book” was the principal choice. The computer books while paper for the current major Publishing, but in the future of digital feasibility quite high. The survey and research shows that at this stage computer publishing feasibility for paper and electronic books synchronous, digital may use POD should be printed mechanisms and web line immediate release, could carry out concept of environmental protection, bring about save paper and printing the objective of cost can be established and computer publishing zero inventory management concept, which in the context of the amendment, corrigendum and revision of the more quickly. In the next computer books digital implementation of also could be used as e-learning materials and digital network links the foundation to upgrade the computer software learning synchronous and non-synchronous digital effectiveness of teaching.