


A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Thermal CT-plate




陳昌郎(Chang-Lang Chen);鄭松福(Sung-Fu Cheng)


熱感版 ; CTP ; 顧客滿意度 ; 平版印刷 ; Thermal print-plate ; CTP ; customer satisfaction ; lithographic plate print




2009(2009 / 03 / 01)


441 - 472




數位環保時代趨勢來臨,產業不斷創新開發,印刷產業也從傳統手工產業跨足到數位資訊產業。日新月異的科技,驅使著印刷產業的經營者,須以不斷創新的思維及投資以迎合客戶的需求。領導經營者了解現有客戶勢必為產業進步的主要關鍵,也應是相關業者需去思考的方向。 本研究主要目的在於了解使用熱感型CTP印版廠家對現行產品服務內容現況之滿意程度與未來趨勢相關性,進而以消費者的思考觀點去了解之間相關性且影響層面與表相。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣區印刷工業同業公會會員廠商中,以立意抽樣進行普查。由問卷中經因素分析得到五個因素構面,分別代表為「印件品質」、「供應商服務品質」、「成本效益」、「作業品質」、「物流品質」。研究結果發現: 1.使用廠家對「物流品質」平均滿意度最高,其次是「印件品質」;但是對「作業品質」滿意度最低。 2.使用廠家滿意度排序由高至低的前五名為「對目前使用CTP熱感版印刷之滿版色彩品質」、「對目前使用CTP熱感版品質穩定性」、「誠信可靠的服務態度」、「良好禮貌與親切態度」、「增加產能」。 3.「對目前使用CTP熱感版的留版品質(再版能力)」、「明顯的降低失誤成本」、「對目前使用CTP熱感版之UV油墨適性」、「專業知識與能力」是CTP熱感版使用廠家最不滿意度的部份。 4.在受測者不同職務方面對牽涉到「印件品質」、「作業品質」滿意度有顯著差異。 5.在受測者不同工作資歷方面「印件品質」、「成本效益」有達到顯著差異。


The advent of digital trend and environmental protection of the times, industrial innovation development, the printing industry from the traditional manual industries to enter the digital information industry. Fast pace of technological change driving the printing industry, bussinesspersons have to continuously innovate in thinking and investment to meet customer demand. Leading bussinesspersons to understand the existing customers for the industry is bound to progress in the key should also be related to the industry are required to think about direction. The main purpose of this study is to understand the use of Thermal CTP plates manufacturers of products and services to the existing content of the current situation and future trends in satisfaction with relevance, and then thinking the consumer point of view to understand the correlation between the level and broad influence. This study used questionnaires to Taiwan Printing Industry Association member companies in order to conduct a census of purposive sampling. By the questionnaire by factor analysis dimensions of the five factors, representing a ”print quality”, ”Service quality supplier”, ”cost-effective”, ”operation quality”, ”Logistics quality.” The results showed: 1. Use the producer to have the highest average satisfaction to 'logistics quality', it is that 'print a quality' secondly; But the satisfaction to 'homework quality' is the lowest. A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Thermal CT-plate 2. Use producer satisfaction arrange in an order from high until low the top five 'to use CTP hot sense Manchus editions of color quality that edition print at present', 'to use CTP hot sense edition quality stability at present', 'sincerity reliable attitude', 'good and courteous with the cordial attitude', 'increase and can produce'. 3.'leaving a edition of quality of CTP hot sense edition to using at present (reprint ability)', 'obvious reducing fault cost', 'right to using CTP hot UV printing ink of the sense edition at present', 'professional knowledge and ability' are that CTP hot sense editions use the component of satisfaction of the producer. 4. To involving 'print a quality' in testee's different posts, 'homework quality' satisfaction has difference of showing. 5. In testee's different seniority 'print a quality', 'cost-effective' reaches the difference of showing.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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