


A Study of Printing Quality by Different Coated Mineral Paper on Offset Printing




黃彥儒(Yen-Ju Huang);陳昌郎(Chang-Lang Chen)




2010(2010 / 03 / 01)


3 - 31




目前市場上所推出的環保石科紙張,以無機礦粉(石頭粉)造紙,不僅能保護森林資源,更能減少紙業所造成的環境污染與垃圾減量,為環保節能的新產品,其紙張性質與塗布類似於一般市售之雪面銅版紙。因此,本研究將市售之石科紙張以調配不同塗布比例,以實驗組A(白土68%與碳酸鈣32%)、實驗組B(白土50%與碳酸鈣50%)、實驗組C(白土32%與碳酸鈣68%)與對照組M(符合ISO標準之雪面銅版紙),探討不同塗料比例之石科紙張其表面性質之差異,並以ISO12647-2:2004作為印刷標準的前提下,進行印刷品質特性檢測,以探討出印刷品質特性較佳之石科紙張、不同塗料比例之石科紙與符合ISO標準之雪面銅版紙於印刷適性之色彩品質差異,並加以探討不同塗布比例石科紙與雪面銅版紙在耐光性與耐候性之色彩品質差異。本研究結果係以統計軟體SPSS 13.0分析,經由本研究得知不同塗布比例石科紙張其表面性質,以實驗組C具有較高的白度、不透明度、吸墨性等,但於光澤度仍不及於雪面銅版紙,在印刷適性方面,實驗組C於滿版濃度、印刷對比、疊印能力、色域空閒、耐光性與耐候性等,皆比實驗組B與實驗組A表現較佳。整體而言,在不同塗布比例石科紙張以碳酸鈣塗布比例越高對於印刷品質適性皆有明顯提升。


The environmental protection mineral paper, which had been introduced to the market, was made of the inorganic ore powder (stone powder) that it can protect the forest reserves, reduce environmental pollution, decrease the rubbish caused by paper waste; moreover, it is fuel-efficient and environmental-protected. The quality and coating of the environmental protection mineral paper are similar to the general matte art paper. This study allocates different proportion of coating pigments (clay and calcium carbonate) in the mineral paper, the experiment group A (Clay 68% and CaCO3 32%), the experiment group B (Clay 50% and CaCO3 50%), the experiment group C (Clay 32% and CaCO3 68%), and the contrast group M (the matte art papers conform to ISO standard). This study discusses the quality of different coating proportion in various mineral paper surface, which is printed under the condition of ISO12647-2:2004 offset lithographic process to measure the printing quality. These tests are made in order to find out the difference of printing quality among mineral papers with better printing quality, different coating proportion and the matte art paper conform to ISO standard; in addition, to examine weather resistance and light resistance between mineral paper of different coating proportion and matte art paper. The results of the study are analyzed by statistic software SPSS 13.0. It is shown in the study that in comparing different coating proportion in paper surface, the experiment group C has higher brightness, opacity and ink absorbency, but the feature of glossy is less than the matte art paper. In the aspect of printability, the experiment group C has higher solid ink density, print contrast, ink trapping, weather resistance and light resistance than the experiment group A and B. Therefore, mineral paper with higher coating proportion of CaCO3 can obviously increase the quality of printing.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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