Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning interest in children's books among Taiwan publishing market. In addition to the publishing houses that have published children's books exclusively for years, many publishers set about taking their share of the children's book market successively. Not only does this blooming make the publication of children's books a trend but also diversifies the themes and designs of children's book. Under such circumstances, the publication of children's book in Taiwan must hold on to its distinctive look on the one hand and express its international appeal on the other. Focusing on the publication of picture books, which takes the major role in this children's book trend, this paper attempts to scrutinize the possibility of a ”commercially successful” and ”critically acclaimed” picture book through a thorough review of children's book publication-related study. In the review, this paper also intends to analyze the weakness and strength of picture books-produced in Taiwan, imported from mainland China, and translated from foreign languages respectively-and expects to contribute to Taiwan children's book publishing to a certain degree.