


A Study of Cultural Thinking inGarbage Bin Design


蔡惟婷(Wei-Ting Tsai)


人文思維 ; 通用設計 ; 街道家具 ; 資源回收 ; Cultural thinking ; Universal design ; Street furniture ; Resource recycling




2013(2013 / 06 / 01)


313 - 333






In the program, Developing Cultural and Creative industries- Creative Taiwan, Ministry of Culture mention that someone paid attention the worldwide economics of Chinese after Financial Tsunami. They were not only replied on economy, but also the different cultural creation. It included the cultural feature and life style. However, the Occidental unique culture and the pioneer of science and technology made Oriental advocate them unconsciously. The subconscious thought could not outstanding ours culture when we competed with the Europe or the U.S. market. The aim of this paper was to start from cultural thinking, together with the theory of street furniture and theory of Universal design. Based on these theoretical foundations, four series of green recycle garbage bins were created. The four series of green recycle garbage bins were put in the locations with tradition and culture such as National Palace Museum and Temple of Confucius…etc. The garbage bins were designed into eastern tea set and decorated with plant patterns to show the eastern characteristic. Then the study attempted to interview experts from several areas, such as industrial scholars, industrial designers, and business managers in Environmental Protection Bureau to receive design evaluation. The findings of this study were listed follow: 1.The design of solar powered rat destruction in garbage bins lifted up trash's function. 2. Words and patterns on the garbage bins made people distinguish into four series of green recycle garbage bins and understand how to use them. 3. The study of recycle garbage bins' look and plant patterns were fit for the interest of traditional culture.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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