


Application of Aboriginal Love Myths to Perfume Design


黃麗文(Li-Wen Huang);楊炫叡(Shiuan-Ruei Yang)


原住民神話 ; 香水設計 ; 文化創意商品 ; Aboriginal people ; myths ; perfume




2015(2015 / 06 / 01)


357 - 382






Perfumes are featured with fragrances that can evoke feelings and create imaginative atmosphere. It can still present cultural characteristics and be the media of connotation experience. This study used the scent of fashion industry perfumes to interpret the cultural characteristics and atmosphere of aboriginal myths. With the development of the cultural perfume, it is expected to enhance the value of aboriginal myths. A text analysis was employed to collect cultural elements in aboriginal myths and legends. Field studies were conducted in aboriginal tribes to obtain the content of myths, totems, animals, plants and minerals, which were used as the design elements of perfumes. The design of perfumes and perfume bottles were based on the love story of Ghost Lake from The Rukai by exploring the cultural elements. Three creative perfumes named "Monarch", "Eternity" and "Courage" were developed, with the aim to promote the cultural value of aboriginal myths. This study focused on evaluation for design sample with "cultural value", "design evaluation", "economic value", "shape imagery" and "aroma imagery" fiveoriented design assessment questionnaire evaluation test samples to understand the accuracy of the conversion of their culture. After analyzing reliability and validity,and sorted out three results of research: 1.Develop three styles of bottle bodies to possess both style and aroma the perfume of aborigine's cultural import. 2.Build up the design mode of cultural perfume. 3.To design different perfume joss-stick to adjust according to cultural import and style. In addition to creating aborigine's text to create the merchandise new form, also integrate into the way of cultural import and promote the commercial culture value by the perfume design.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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