


Taiwan's Tourism Website Design of the User's Benefit


李昀諭(Yun-Yu Li)


旅遊網站 ; 使用者效益 ; 網站設計 ; Travel Sites ; Users Benefit ; Web Design




2015(2015 / 06 / 01)


89 - 102






Taiwan tourism increasingly popular in recent years, the Internet has brought more business opportunities and more for this. With Internet-depth people's daily life, it is an integral part of mass tourism to gather intelligence information for the use of behavior, and read magazines and books related to the behavior of paper, turning to the use of a web browser form. Cloud Technology page is passed with the user's information and communication platform, across regions and time limits for user convenience and instant information. Web design is also a visual art and visual psychology, the overall sense of balance and harmony or not, visitors will have a direct impact on the image of the site. Can resonate with the viewer, it is a web design process, the need to carefully weigh the issues and ideas. Among the many travel page, both begin with graphics-based. The visual design diversification of the page, its industry and web designer in the planning site, hoping to visit attracted the attention of those in the shortest possible time, and to provide complete information is correct, it is willing to re-visit the site. Therefore, this study was to explore the visual design of the site to configure color, layout, cross-device browser, feature set, audio-visual area, sharing interactive platform, to convey the message when the impact on the user benefits of the content of those sites. And questionnaire analysis, paid for travel social networking site users online questionnaires analyzed and discussed. Whereby desirable to provide future tourism operators and web designer, in the face of planning-related types of sites, as the construction of reference designs.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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