本研究目的在於探討英國的出版業既有之國家級的職能標準。研究方法以質性研究法,進行探討英國國家出版職能指標。研究結果:英國國家出版職能標準2001版本,簡介說明有七群,但是實際內容是分成為九個群。2012版本,直接列出27種職能標準,不再列出groups,且將職能Unit改為PUB1~PUB27編號,不再用UNIT稱呼。2001版用UNIT1~UNIT39表達職能,UNIT再以多項Elements描述此一UNIT。2012新版英國國家出版PUB1~PUB27二十七項職能,其下再細分出下一層,詳細解說每一項職能應該具備的知識與表現規準,標題分別為:「Knowledge & understanding」與「Performance criteria」。「Knowledge & understanding」為出版工作者應具備的知識以及工作者應該有的「Performance criteria」工作表現的規準,各有十幾條不一。顯示2012版本,更為細緻。新增加有關數位出版的新的職能有三種PUB職能: PUB 7, PUB 15, PUB 23。分別為:PUB 7 Develop a digital strategy;PUB 15 Commission and check the structural design, functionality and accessibility of digital publications;PUB 23 Define technical and project specifications for digital products。出版有關的工作歸納為包括內容產製、行銷和管理及數位出版,內容產製需由發想、評估、到選編作品,以維護編輯品質;並以適合讀者的方式行銷出版品,評估和分析出版生命周期,以及做好書目的資料管理。同時,因應數位出版時代,發想和訂定數位出版策略、規劃數位內容結構、設計網路平台等。
The aims of the study were to explore the National Occupational Standards of United Kingdom for publishing industry, the qualitative research method was used. There were nine groups in the version of 2001, while, the 2012 version which lists 27 kinds of standards. The term "groups", of standard is not used anymore, and the term of standards are changed from "UNIT" to "PUB", such as "PUB1 ~ PUB27." The National Occupational Standards for publishing in 2001 Version, which listed 39 kinds of standards, there were a lot of Elements of the standards under these UNITS. The description of latest 2012 version is more detailed. Below the first level of standard, detailed description of each standards are "what you need to know, and what you must be able to do." The titles are "Knowledge & understanding" and "Performance criteria" respectively. There are three additional new standards in 2012 version, which are "PUB 7 Develop a digital strategy"; "PUB 15 Commission and check the structural design, functionality and accessibility of digital"; and "PUB 23 Define technical and project specifications for digital products". The tasks related to publishing are summarized as follows: Content production, marketing and management and digital publishing. The content production need initiate the ideas, assess, select and edit material to maintain the quality of publishing; and marketing for publications based on the reader's need, assess and analyze life cycle of the publications, manage bibliographic information, consider and plan digital publishing strategy, design platform to cope with the digital publishing era.