


A Preliminary Study of the Copyright Agent in Publishing of Cultural and Creative Industry in Taiwan


曾偉勝(Wei-Sheng Tseng)


文化創意產業 ; 出版產業 ; 作家經紀 ; 著作權 ; 版權 ; Cultural And Creative Industries ; Publishing Industry ; Literary Agent ; Copyright ; Rights




2016(2016 / 04 / 01)


230 - 242






In the 21st century, economy is based on knowledge, and it is gradually hard to define an industry clearly. Firms cooperate with one another, and the value of things or products depends not simply on creations but on intangible aspects, such as cultural elements or creativity hidden behind merchandise. People's attentions are drawn to copyrights to consider related applications. For the creators before, the commercial value of works were limited in few areas or even profitable for only one channel, like authors and illustrators in publishing industry or singers in recording industry. Nowadays, with the change of time and development of technology, enterprises in different fields collaborate, and the concepts of applying copyrights in business are emerging. This phenomenon greatly influences firms in traditional industry. For the publishing industry in Taiwan, the market keeps shrinking, and it is important for publishers to create commercial value and make profits via the cooperation with creators like serving as their managers. With these backgrounds, the study is conducted with exploratory researches and document analysis to categorize and review literature to understand and investigate current situations of the publishing industry under the scope of cultural and creative industries.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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