


A Study of Marketing Strategies for Leisure Video Application


廖信(Shin Liao);蔡雨霓(Yu-Ni Tsai);葉振璧(Jenn-Bih Yeh)


影音App ; 行銷策略 ; 層級分析 ; 4P ; Video App ; Marketing Strategies ; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)




2016(2016 / 04 / 01)


267 - 279




隨著行動裝置越趨平價化、裝置效能及頻寬提升、影音內容迅速發展等趨勢,加速行動影音世代來臨,行動影音平台將逐漸取代傳統影視通路,無國藉的優質影音內容將透過訂閱服務,傳遞給更多民眾,並藉此創造更可觀之營收,因此本研究旨在以4P為架構發展一套休閒影音App行銷策略,包括產品策略、價格擬定策略、銷售通路 策略、推廣方式策略。採用修正式德懷術及層級分析法進行研究資料之蒐集與分析,研究發現:行銷休閒影音App之產品策略,以「App內容」為最重要;休閒影音App之價格策略擬定,以「免費購買」為最重要;休閒影音App之銷售通路策略,以「App商店」上架為最重要;在休閒影音App之行銷策略推廣上,則以「社群行銷」為最重要。


The main purposes of this study was to develop a framework using 4P (product phase, price phase, place phase, promotion phase) as the analytical structure to collect the main video marketing strategies of the App Store, while aiming to develop the video App marketing strategies. This study used research method with Modified-Delphi technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to collect and analyze research data. The results of this study were shown as follow. The most important marketing strategy for Video App product is App Content. The most important marketing strategy for Video App price is freemium. The most important in marketing strategy for Video App place is App Store. The most important marketing strategy in promoting Video App is Social Marketing.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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