


A Study of Network Marketing of Electronic Publication


連姵瑜(Pei-yu Lien)


電子出版 ; 電子商務 ; 網路行銷 ; 行銷 ; Electronic publishing ; e - commerce ; online marketing ; marketing




2017(2017 / 04 / 01)


306 - 323






In recent years, from the Internet to the impact of people, as well as the future development trend of the electronic publishing industry, how to effectively use the network as a marketing tool, and using what tools for network marketing to attract more consumers, will be one of the important topics of the electronic publishing industry. This study explores the future development direction and marketing trend by discussing the cooperation between industry, and the obstacles and solutions in the development of marketing. In this study, research methods using the questionnaire survey and individual interviews, through the interviews to understand the actual situation of the industry, through the questionnaire to understand the reader's reading habits and preferences, combined with these, and put forward the analysis and recommendations. The conclusion is divided into six points. To pricing strategy, the user most acceptable pricing for the 60%, and the industry should not compete with price; To product category, publisher can focus on leisure, novel type of electronic publications, and get more authorization; To access strategy, the platform should be integrated; To brand management,we hope that the platform can find their own targeting; To promotion strategies, electronic publication can be promoted by audio and video; This study suggested that the Government can set laws about the electronic publications, and set a budget for electronic publishing industry. By the above, overcome difficulties can make the industry more vigorous.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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