


A Study of Creative Product Design Using Natural Material Handmade Paper and Evaluation via Emotional Design Method


黃千玳(Chien-Tai Huang)


手工紙 ; 文化創意商品 ; 感性設計 ; Handmade paper ; Cultural and creative product ; Emotional design




2017(2017 / 04 / 01)


511 - 560






In the era of handicrafts, many handmade products generate emotion, warm and texture. Comparing with the stationery was produced, a handmade stationery has more intimacy and warm people's hearts easily. In recent years, Guang-Shin Taiwan Paper Corporation uses varieties of Taiwan plants and crops to make unique handmade paper full of natural aroma and texture. The Guang-Shin handmade paper adopted as has been one of the major elements of the Taiwan cultural and creative industry. Therefore, according to the analysis and property of the paper's material in the study, combining sensory and visual experience of paper material into these creative ideas and connect consumer with cultural and creative products. The research finding are as follow (1) The emotional design of office stationery has better evaluation, and the instinct level has better evaluation than behavior and reflection level , and cause better feedbacks on environment protection, texture, eye catching, comfy, and appearance economic value and the overall design were evaluated as highly agreed. (2) When natural material paper apply on cultural and creative product on series office stationary, it could generate stronger sense of feeling. The vision tends to handmade, natural and simple. Sense of touch tends to be handmade and natural. Sense of smell tends to be simple. As mentioned previously, those are satisfied to the study design sample concept that emphasized on the senses. (3) The study samples were divided into different cultural and creative products to analysis four types of consumer attitudes. Indicated by the results, there're no significant differences between the cultural and creative product evaluations, but it is significant on the visual only. Compared to the rational type of consumer, the reactive type of consumer has obviously visual senses.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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