


Exploring the Effects of Discovery Learning for Location-Based Historical Retrospection Mobile Game


劉書瑋(Shu-Wei Liu);王健華(Chang-Hwa Wang)


適地性遊戲 ; 探索式學習 ; 歷史回溯 ; location-based game ; discovery learning ; historical retrospection




2017(2017 / 04 / 01)


619 - 641






In recent years, mobile learning is getting more popular. By the facilitation of digital technologies, innovative location-sensitive strategies for instructional mobile games are much more feasible than before. This work aims at exploring the learning effect on discovery learning via constructing a location-based historic retrospection game. We choose the Li Tian-Lu puppet's culture as the learning material and use augmented reality to retrospect historic scenes. By analyzing learner's achievement and motivation, we can make comparisons on learning effect between discovering learning and rote learning then further discuss the differences and expansibility of them. In the experiments, we separate the subjects into two groups which indicates discovering learning and rote learning instructional design respectively. Several identical learning achievement tests are given to all subjects as the pretest, posttest and delay test to evaluate the achievement of learners. An additional questionnaire also be given to explore the motivation of learners on different instructional design. Initial data analyses indicated that different instructional strategies could result in different learning achievement and motivation. We conclude that learned information retains better through discovery learning strategy in a location-based game. This finding should prove valuable for instructional designers of location-based instructional game.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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