


Learning Outcomes of College Students' Internet of Things-Taking the Teacher-student Interaction as the mediator


徐明珠(Ming-Ju HSU);賀秋白(Chiu-Pai HO)


物聯網 ; 師生互動 ; 教學方法 ; 學習成效 ; 中介變項 ; 結構方程模式 ; Internet of Things ; teacher-student interaction ; teaching methods ; learning outcomes ; mediator variable ; Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)




2018(2018 / 04 / 01)


105 - 118




研究目的:工業4.0如火如荼開展,物聯網教育成為必然的趨勢。為了瞭解大學生學習物聯網課程的情形,本研究針對接受過物聯網教育的大學生進行問卷調查,以「教學方法」為自變項、「學習成效」為依變項,並以「師生互動」為中介變項,探討大學生對教學方法的正向態度是否會經由師生互動此中介變項對學習成效產生影響。研究方法:本研究針對修習物聯網的大學生進行問卷調查,獲得問卷230份,所得資料以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行驗證性因素分析、結構模型分析。本研究結果發現四項結論:1.大學物聯網課程的「教學方法」對於「學習成效」具有顯著性影響;2.大學物聯網課程的「師生互動」對於「學習成效」具有顯著性影響;3.大學物聯網課程的「教學方法」對於「師生互動」具有顯著性影響;4.大學物聯網課程的「教學方法」間接藉由「師生互動」的中介作用對「學習成效」具有顯著性影響。研究創意/價值:本研究結果可以提供大學在開設物聯網課程時的參考,改進教學方法,鼓勵師生互動,並採用強化師生互動的教學方法,以提升學習成效。


Purpose of Study: Industry 4.0 in full swing, the Internet of Things Education has become an inevitable trend. In order to understand the situation of college students' studying the Internet of Things course, this research conducted a questionnaire survey for college students who have received education in IoT. Teaching methods as an independent variable, Learning outcomes as a dependent variable, and teacher-student interaction as a mediator variable, to explore the positive attitude of college students to teaching methods whether this intervening change will have an impact on the learning outcomes through teacher-student interaction. Methodology: In this study, IOT students were surveyed and 230 questionnaires were obtained. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural model analysis were conducted by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings: 1. College teachers' teaching methods for IoT courses have a significant impact on learning outcomes; 2. College teachers' teacher-student interaction for IoT courses in the college have a significant impact on learning outcomes; 3. College teachers' teaching methods for IoT courses have a significant impact on teacher-student interaction; 4. Teacher-student interaction for IoT courses in the college plays a partial mediating role between teaching methods and student learning outcomes. Originality/value: The results of this study can be provided the reference for colleges in planning IoT courses, improving teaching methods, encouraging interaction between teachers and students, and adopting teaching methods that enhance teacher-student interaction so as to improve learning outcomes.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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