


The Marketing Mode Study on the Application of Illustration to Application Stickers


程勝美(Sheng-Mei Cheng)


LINE貼圖 ; LINE貼圖行銷 ; line sticker ; line sticker marketing




2018(2018 / 04 / 01)


334 - 367






There are 17 million users of the LINE communication application in Taiwan. From July to October 2016 the revenue of the application's stickers alone achieved about 210 million NTD. It indicates considerable commercial possibilities for many illustrators. This research analyzes and classifies the illustrative styles and semantics of LINE stickers. It focuses on the top five best sellers of each month from 2015 to 2017, collecting their drawing and marketing patterns and classifying the most used semantics and movements as reference for future illustrators. Methods applied in this research also include expert interviews, test runs of stickers, and a questionnaire survey on customers' purchase motivations. First, ten sticker illustrators were interviewed for their opinions on four issues: (1) the use of textual and visual materials; (2) illustrator's to-do-list for design; (3) how to get in the top-selling rank; (4) strategies for boosting sales. Second, some rules for design were sorted from the interview transcripts. Then, YUCI, an illustrator, drew a set of forty stickers named 〞Monsters Fool Inc.〞 according to the design rules, and offered the stickers for sale at the Line sticker shop. Afterwards, an online survey on the factors behind sicker purchase was conducted. These methods led to some observations: (1) When an images cannot well express the body movement it conveys supplementary verbal expressions would be useful. (2) Illustrators need to heed to Line's published official policies. (3) The more the illustrator follows the prevailing trend and shares the stickers on social medias, the better the sale is boosted. (4) Fan The pages, online shares of stickers, and constant publications of new stickers are positive factors for improving sticker sales. (5) Young people are major group of sticker buyers. (6) Most stickers are designed cute, and the most popular ones are sweet in style.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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