
含鎘火棉膠替代物對於濕版攝影階調之影響-以Quinn Jacobson New Guy配方為例


A Study of the Influence of Cadmium Bromide Collodion Substitutes on the Tonality of Wet Plate Photography when using Quinn Jacobson New Guy Formula


王敏為(Min-Wei Wang)


濕版攝影術 ; 火棉膠 ; 溴化鎘 ; 鎘中毒 ; 游離碘 ; 灰階 ; Wet Plate process ; Collodion ; Cadmium bromide ; Cadmium poisoning ; Free iodine ; Gray scale




2018(2018 / 04 / 01)


411 - 437




濕版攝影術(Wet Plate Process)發明已經一百六十多年,是讓影像廣為流傳的重要里程碑,但後來因乾版攝影術的發明而逐漸沒落,僅剩少數攝影藝術家使用。現今流傳的濕版攝影用鹽漬火棉膠配方中大多含有溴化鎘或碘化鎘成分,在環保意識抬頭的現代,嘗試以含有溴化鎘的Quinn Jacobson New Guy鹽漬火棉膠配方為對照組進行實驗,以溴化鉀、溴化鈉、溴化銨與溴化鋰等溴化物取代溴化鎘,搭配碘化銨與碘化鉀調整火棉膠配方,並實際拍攝與測量畫面中的灰階卡。比較各種實驗組鹽漬火棉膠的階調表現後,得知溴化鉀碘化鉀配方火棉膠的階調表現相當優良,不會比對照組的溴化鎘碘化銨差,惟其保存性較差,在不進行長期儲存的前提下,濕版攝影愛好者可以少量多次的方式調製新鮮的溴化鉀碘化鉀鹽漬火棉膠使用,以取代對環境與人體有害的溴化鎘。


Most of the preparations used for wet production of ferric chloride or cadmium iodide, today, environmental awareness, we try to use cadmium bromide as a control group of Quinn Jacobson new iron ore iron ore formula, with potassium bromide, sodium bromide, Ammonium bromide and Lithium bromide instead of cadmium bromide, adjust the torch formula, the actual shooting and measurement images in the gray guide table, compare the experimental group salt tone tone performance. Potassium bromide potassium iodide formula performance even more than the formula cadmium bromide is good, but its storage is poor, without the need for long-term storage under the premise that the wet board craft enthusiasts can adjust the use of fresh potassium bromide potassium iodide salt stained collodion to replace the environment and the human body harmful cadmium bromide micelle body.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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