


The study on the Concept of the Convergence Media from the Traditional Publishing Industry


馬亞靜(YAJING MA);馬立懿(Li-Yi Ma)


融媒體 ; 傳統出版業 ; the Convergence media ; the traditional publishing industry




2019(2019 / 06 / 01)


192 - 205






The main focus of this study is to inspire the development of the traditional publishing industry through the discussions on the convergence media. As a relatively new media concept, there is no clear definition of the convergence media. However, this research traces the source of this complex concept through document analysis. It can be known that its main feature is the intersection, blur and disappearance of various media boundaries. And found that the traditional publishing industry is an important part of the convergence media, but also has the characteristics of it. Although the functionality of traditional publishing is being replaced more and more, its status in the convergence media will not change, and it is still the fundamental of the content. The traditional publishing industry should be aware that as part of the convergence media, it should take advantage of itself as the fundamental source of content, hold an open attitude towards other media that blends with its own borders, and seize the opportunities brought about by the convergence media.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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