


Personal Innovativeness and Teachers' Attitude Towards Using M-Learning


徐明珠(Ming-Ju HSU);賀秋白(Chiu-Pai HO)


行動學習 ; 個人創新 ; 科技接受模式 ; Mobile Learning (M-learning) ; Personal Innovativeness of Information Technology (PIIT) ; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)




2019(2019 / 06 / 01)


235 - 246






Purpose of Study: When Distance Learning and Digital Learning move into Mobile Learning, the attitude of teachers integrating M-learning Technology into teaching should be concerned. Methodology: This study uses the "Documentary-historical Method" and conduct a survey research on teachers of high school, junior high school and primary school whom were selected as research objects, and the method of sampling is "Convenience Sampling," by which collected 206 valid questionnaires. The results were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) in Amos 6. Findings/ Conclusions: After empirical analysis, the five research hypotheses are supported: (1) Teachers' Personal Innovativeness has a significant impact on perceived ease of use. (2) Teachers' Personal Innovativeness has a significant impact on perceived usefulness. (3) Teachers' perceived ease of use has a significant impact on perceived usefulness. (4) Teachers' perceived ease of use has a significant impact on attitude. (5) Teachers' perceived usefulness has a significant impact on attitude. Originality/value: The results obtained in this study are as follows: (1) Perceived usefulness directly affect attitude. (2) Perceived ease of use directly affect attitude; it also can have an influence on attitude through mediation variable perceived usefulness. (3) Personal Innovativeness have an influence on attitude through perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. This study will be provided as a reference for the adoption of Mobile Learning (M-learning) strategies and related research.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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