


Research on the Cultural Consumption Model of the Integrity of the Virtual and the Real-Planning of museum curatorial activities


黃秀延(Hisu-Yen Huang)


博物館 ; 新媒體 ; 社群媒體 ; 策展 ; 虛實整合 ; Museums ; New Media ; Social Media ; Curation ; Virtual Reality




2020(2020 / 06 / 01)


209 - 226






In the past, the cultural communication between the museum and the audience was one-way. The distance between the audience and the museum was too long to participate in cultural communication. At the same time, the museum can only understand the needs and preferences of consumers by means of questionnaire feedback. With the advent of the new media era, museums are no longer confined to physical curation. More and more museums are trying to combine digital media technology to make the beauty of culture more diverse and extended. The marketing methods of museums have also changed. Through social media Attract and engage audiences, and expand the museum's audience. In this study, the results of the literature discussion are made into a cultural consumption pattern diagram of the integration of reality and reality, and then an expert interview analysis method is used to try to understand the current attitude of scholars, experts and consumers on museum curation of integration of reality and reality. Findings show that audiences consider online exhibitions and technology-involved exhibitions for cultural relics Whether it can retain its authenticity and whether it feels like the scene. Considering the problem of insufficient government funding, scholars and experts suggest that museum curators should actively find channels for fundraising and corporate sponsorship, and make full use of these limited funds.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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