


A Study on the Attitude of Watching Movies in Chinese Dialect


袁海濤(Hai-Tao Yuan)


方言電影 ; 觀影態度 ; 方言文化 ; Dialect ; Dialect Film ; Attitude Towards Film Viewing ; Dialect Culture




2020(2020 / 06 / 01)


235 - 247






After nearly a hundred years of development, the Chinese dialect films have experienced the period of suppression and resistance, and also experienced the period of blooming flowers. In recent years, the Mandarin dialect has also ushered in a good momentum of development. After the combination of dialect and type narrative, it has obtained a higher market return. This paper hopes to find the advantages and disadvantages of dialect films through the form of questionnaire survey, so as to guide the film creation. Through research, this paper finds that dialect movies are generally considered to enhance local soft power and have unique artistic value, but the audience will not choose to watch because the movie is a dialect. Instead, in recent years, dialect has been abused, and there has been an inverse problem.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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