


Analysis of Different Visual Communication Effects on Social Media - An Example of Hotpot Restaurants' Fanpage on Facebook in Taiwan




行銷 ; 社群媒體 ; 社群行銷 ; 火鍋 ; 視覺傳達 ; Marketing ; Social Media ; Social Media Marketing ; Hotpot ; Visual Communication




2021(2021 / 05 / 01)


240 - 258




根據《Digital Report 2020》的台灣報告,台灣人的網路使用滲透率高達86%,而且用戶大多依賴媒體平台,以Youtube、Facebook、Line、及Instagram的使用率名列前茅。Facebook作為社群行銷的先驅者,早已在市場上叱吒多年,許多商業活動與互動模式也都衍生於此。社群媒體的盛行也進而影響餐飲行銷方式,社群能加強業者與顧客之間的關係、提高參與度,並且分享資訊。本研欲探討台灣餐飲業中產值最高的火鍋業在臉書進行社群行銷之模式,透過問卷調查不同性別、年齡、消費習慣之國內消費者對於火鍋店社群行銷的圖文組合之偏好,並在第五章將研究結果彙整並提出研究應用及具體方法。本研究問卷之抽樣範圍為國內消費者,採用隨機抽樣,曾經於火鍋店消費之民眾皆為問發放卷對象。最後共取得413份正式問卷,其中有效問卷403份,無效問卷10份。研究結果顯示:1.性別影響火鍋店消費習慣、2.性別影響對火鍋店不同視覺溝通方式喜好程度、3.年齡響火鍋店消費習慣、4.年齡影響對火鍋店不同文案喜好程度、5.年齡影響對火鍋店不同視覺溝通方式喜好程度、6.火鍋高頻率消費者(一年25次以上)與低頻率消費者(一年1-5次)對於火鍋店消費習慣有所不同。


According to the "Digital Report 2020" of Taiwan, the penetration rate of Internet usage by Taiwanese is up to 86%, and users mostly rely on media platforms, with Youtube, Facebook, Line, and Instagram among the top usage rates. As a pioneer in social marketing, Facebook has been in the market for many years, and many commercial activities and interactive models have also been derived from this. The prevalence of social media also affects the way that restaurants promote themselves. The community of social media can strengthen the relationship between the industry and customers, increase participation, and share information. This research intends to explore the social marketing ways of hot pot industry in Taiwan on Facebook. Through a questionnaire survey, we find out domestic consumers of different genders, ages, and consumption habits have different preference for the combination of pictures and texts in social marketing of hot pot restaurants. In the fifth chapter, the research results are summarized and research applications and specific methods are proposed. The sampling scope of this research questionnaire is domestic consumers. Random sampling is adopted. People who used to spend in hot pot restaurants are all the subjects of the questionnaire. Finally, a total of 413 formal questionnaires were obtained, including 403 valid questionnaires and 10 invalid questionnaires. research shows: 1. Gender influences consumption habits in hot pot restaurants. 2. Gender influences the preference of different visual communication methods on social media posts of hot pot restaurants. 3. Age influences consumption habits of hot pot restaurant. 4. Age influences preferences of the texts on social media posts of hot pot restaurants. 5. Age influences the preference of different visual communication methods in hot pot restaurants. 6. High-frequency hotpot consumers (over 25 times a year) and low-frequency consumers (1-5 times a year) have different consumption habits in hot pot restaurants.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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