


A Study of Developent of the Independent Publication, Comic World Taiwan


鐘奇君(Chi-Chun Chung);廖珮玲(PEI-LING LIAO)


同人文化 ; 二次創作 ; 同人誌販售會 ; 獨立出版 ; 著作權 ; homoerotic culture ; secondary creation ; homoerotic magazines ; independent publishing ; copyright




2022(2022 / 05 / 01)


155 - 174






In Taiwan, the culture of homo sapiens has been developing for 30 years, with creators publishing independently through self-publishing and communicating with their peers, while the exchanges between peers have evolved into commercial activities through consumer actions, and have become homo sapiens magazines. The term 'fanzine' originally referred to books and publications created by fellow fans, but nowadays it is mostly produced as a secondary creation of anime and manga. In terms of content, there are two schools of thought: 'original' and 'derivative'. Most of the works we see nowadays are produced without the authorisation of the copyright holder, and are based on the world view or character settings of the original work. The researcher has found that there are very few e-books of the same work since he has been involved in the same activity, and finds that this phenomenon is also related to copyright. In Taiwan's publishing environment, the independently published zine is similar in nature to the homoerotic zine in that it is freely created, printed in small quantities, and circulated only in its own small circle without collaboration with publishers and other commercial organisations. This study will begin with the birth of the zine, explore the history of manga culture, the birthplace of zine culture in Japan, and the development of zine culture in Taiwan, discuss the independent publishing in Taiwan, and explore why zines are a grey area and the position of zines in Taiwan's publishing environment. This study will use in-depth interviews and questionnaires to survey the participants of the fanzine fairs, and to select those who are willing and experienced in creative writing to conduct interviews. It is hoped that this paper will provide advice and inspiration to creators and related industry players who will later join the community.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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