


The Study on the Impact of Cultural Context on Photography


李君藝(Jun-Ji Lee);張文彬(Wen-Bin Chang)


攝影 ; 攝影審美 ; 文化語境 ; 文化 ; Photography ; Photography Aesthetics ; Cultural Context ; Culture




2023(2023 / 08 / 01)


197 - 207






Cultural context has a profound impact on the content of photography. Photography has been widely recognized and accepted as an art form and communication medium. Photography has the function of exploring different cultures and lifestyles, and can also convey cultural values and historical events, helping us Learn about the past and the present. In addition to being influenced by different cultural backgrounds and characteristics of the times, photographers further affect the content, style and meaning of photography, creating works with unique style and expressive power, and reflecting the characteristics and development trends of their regional culture. This thesis conducts research through the literature analysis method and the Delphi method, analyzes the influence of cultural context on photographic works in different periods through the historical development of photography, and discusses the role, significance and viewing methods of cultural context in photography, in order to organize and collect works Finally, five components and seven expressive techniques were analyzed, and the symbols influenced by photographic works were sorted out through Delphi method, which were divided into clothing, photography style, props/objects, time, and scene. A questionnaire survey was conducted according to different symbols. It turns out that the symbol that most affects the viewer is "clothing". This paper explores the influence of cultural context on photography and provides a basis for future creation or research.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 傳播學
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